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Re: Bug somewhere in verbose output for completion listing

On Thu, 03 Oct 2013 14:00:25 +0100
Peter Stephenson <p.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If I find a moment I'll try to make it more reproducible (although
> simply attaching to a running shell might be good enough to track it
> down).

Appears to be trivial to reproduce in the obvious manner, by generating
a single long completion.

autoload -Uz compinit
_wtf2 () {
  local stuff
  stuff=('SpoobleOneVariantWithAVeryLongCompletionThatCouldCauseAllSortsOfMayhemAfterAllWhoKnowsWhatEvilLurksEtc:2012/11/02 Description of SpoobleOne'
  'SpoobleTwo:2013/02/13 Description of SpoobleTwo')
  _describe -t stuff 'Stuff to complete.' stuff
compdef _wtf2 wtf2
_wtf () {
  local stuff
  stuff=('SpoobleOne:2012/11/02 Description of SpoobleOne'
  'SpoobleTwo:2013/02/13 Description of SpoobleTwo')
  _describe -t stuff 'Stuff to complete.' stuff
compdef _wtf wtf

Complete after wtf2 as far as getting a listing (the separator is the
default "--" instead of the "#" in the previous posting).  This is as
easy as typing "wtf2 ^D".  It already looks a bit screwy at this point
as the comment is missing even though the separator is present.  Then
whenever you get a listing after wtf you see the problem.


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