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Re: zsh syntax check fails on correct if [[ usage (rhbz 966911)

On Oct 18,  4:02pm, Filip Krska wrote:
} zsh syntax check fails on simple script, which is syntactically OK, but zsh -n returns 1

Hmm, it's not actually the syntax check which is failing.

If you run the test as

    zsh -vxn /tmp/test.zsh

it becomes clear that zsh is actually executing some of the commands,
and then returning the exit status of those commands rather than of
the syntax check itself.

Which is strange, particularly given that adding the ":" command in
the if-block causes it to revert to executing nothing.  (Changing
the $(...) construct is a red herring, it's just changing the exit
status of the line zsh is wrongly executing in the first place.)

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