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padding in vt100 causes 'make check' to hang on FreeBSD

On FreeBSD, 'make check' hangs at X02zlevi.ztst (and other tests which use
comptest). The hang is at line 96 of comptest (in comptesteval()):

95:   zpty -w zsh ". $tmp"
96:   zpty -r -m zsh log_eval "*<PROMPT>*" || {

The actual problem is in the contents of the file $tmp (i.e., "$@"
of comptesteval()), in particular line 37:

37: TERM=vt100

Various capabilities of vt100 contain the ancient "padding", and FreeBSD's
slave side tputs() actually sends 'null bytes' as paddings before sending
the <PROMPT>. But the zsh on the master side just considers the 'null byte'
as the end of C-string, and the line 96 never returns.

If I change the line 37 to

37: TERM=xterm

then 'make check' doesn't hang and ends without failure (xterm doesn't
contain any padding, of course).

Is it OK to replace vt100 with xterm?
I guess xterm is 'almost' as portable as vt100, but not 100% sure.

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