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_zypper completion

Hello there!

Since I sent the first mail with my proposed zypper packages completion
extension to Holger, I noticed that holding the whole raw xml output I
get from zypper in one variable ($_zypp_all_raw) might truncate the
output (thus not containing all available packages) since it may get
quite large.

So I updated the _zypper script so that a lot of 'weight' of the output
(xml syntax, package descriptions) is dropped. On my system with 14
repos enabled, I'm now offered all packages when doing zypper se <TAB>.

If anyone more knowledgable has suggestions on how to improve that
script, please go ahead!


#compdef zypper
# Copyright (C) 2009 Holger Macht <holger@xxxxxxxx>
# Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Mitterfellner <thomas.mitterfellner@xxxxxxxxx>
# This file is released under the GPLv2.
# Based on the zsh guide from http://zsh.dotsrc.org/Guide/zshguide06.html
# Toggle verbose completions: zstyle ':completion:*:zypper:*' verbose no
#                             zstyle ':completion:*:zypper-subcommand:*' verbose no
#  version 0.3
# Main dispatcher

function _zypper_caching_policy () {
    # rebuild if zsh's cache is older than zypper's
    if test /var/cache/zypp/raw -nt "$1"; then
        return 0
        return 1

_zypper() {
    typeset -A opt_args
    local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line

    if (( CURRENT > 2 )) && [[ ${words[2]} != "help" ]]; then
        # Remember the subcommand name
        local cmd=${words[2]}
        # Set the context for the subcommand.
        # Narrow the range of words we are looking at to exclude `zypper'
        (( CURRENT-- ))
        shift words

        _zypper_cmd_do $cmd
        local hline
        local -a cmdlist
        local tag=0
        _call_program help-commands LANG=C zypper help | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n\t\t\t\t/ /g' | while read -A hline; do
            # start parsing with "Global Options:"
            [[ $hline =~ "^Global Options:" ]] && tag=1
            [[ $tag = 0 ]] && continue
            # all commands have to start with lower case letters
            [[ $hline[1] =~ ^[A-Z] ]] && continue
            (( ${#hline} < 2 )) && continue

            # cut comma at end of command
            hline[1]=`echo $hline[1] | sed -e 's/\(^.*\),/\1/'`

            # ${hline[1]%,} truncates the last ','
            cmdlist=($cmdlist "${hline[1]%,}:${hline[2,-1]}")
        _describe -t zypper-commands 'zypper command' cmdlist

_all_repos() {
    local -a repos
    repos=( $(zypper -q lr | tail -n +3 | cut -d'|' -f 2) )
    _describe -t repos 'Available repositories' repos && return

_enabled_repos() {
    repos=( $(zypper -x lr | grep 'enabled="1"' | cut -d\" -f 2) )
    _describe -t repos 'Available repositories' repos && return

_disabled_repos() {
    repos=( $(zypper -x lr | grep 'enabled="0"' | cut -d\" -f 2) )
    _describe -t repos 'Available repositories' repos && return

_zypper_cmd_do() {
    typeset -A opt_args
    local context state line
    local hline
    local -a cmdlist
    local tag=0
    local curcontext="$curcontext"

    zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" use-cache on
    zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _zypper_caching_policy

    _call_program help-commands LANG=C zypper help $cmd | while read -A hline; do
        # start parsing from "Options:"
        [[ $hline =~ "^Command options:" ]] && tag=1
        [[ $tag = 0 ]] && continue
        # Option has to start with a '-'
        [[ $hline[1] =~ ^- ]] || continue
        (( ${#hline} < 2 )) && continue

        cmdlist=($cmdlist "${hline[1]%,}:${hline[2,-1]}")

    if [ -n "$cmdlist" ]; then
        local -a repos

        # special completion lists for certain options (mainly repos)
        case ${words[CURRENT - 1]} in
                repos=( $(zypper -x lr | grep 'enabled="1"' | cut -d\" -f 2) )
                _describe -t repos 'Available repositories' repos && return
                case $cmd in
                        _disabled_repos && return
                case $cmd in
                        _enabled_repos && return
                local -a types
                case $cmd in
                        types=( pattern srcpackage package patch )
                        _describe -t types 'Package types' types && return

        # all options available for the active main command
	_describe -t zypper-commands 'zypper command' cmdlist

        case $cmd in
                local expl
                _description files expl 'RPM files' 
                _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.(#i)rpm(.)'
        # only suggest packages if at least one character is given
        if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} =~ "^[0-9a-zA-Z]" ]] ; then
          local -a pkglist

          if ( [[ ${+_zypp_all_raw} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid ZYPPER_ALL_RAW ) && ! _retrieve_cache ZYPPER_ALL_RAW;
              _zypp_all_raw=$(zypper -x -q se | grep '<solvable' | cut -d \" -f 2,4)
              _zypp_all=( $(echo $_zypp_all_raw | grep 'installed' | cut -d\" -f 2) )
              _zypp_not_installed=( $(echo $_zypp_all_raw | grep 'not-installed' | cut -d\" -f 2 ) )
              _zypp_installed=( $(echo $_zypp_all_raw | grep '^installed' | cut -d\" -f 2 ) )
              _store_cache ZYPPER_ALL_RAW _zypp_all_raw _zypp_all _zypp_not_installed _zypp_installed

          case $cmd in
                  pkglist=( $_zypp_not_installed )
                  compadd $pkglist && return
                  pkglist=( $_zypp_installed )
                  compadd $pkglist && return
                  pkglist=( $_zypp_all )
                  compadd $pkglist && return

# Code to make sure _zypper is run when we load it
_zypper "$@"

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