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SUGGESTION: Simplify auto-completion, a little

Hi zsh folks,

kindly note my suggestion. Please smash or value it:

Now:    git co<tab>m<tab>
Future: git co<tab>m
Result: git commit

git co<tab>
commit         -- record changes to repository
commit-tree    -- create new commit object
config         -- get and set repository or global options
count-objects  -- count unpacked objects and display their disk

I hit ‘m<tab>’ to complete the expression to `git commit` (alternative
is <tab><tab>).
It would be sufficient just hitting the symbol ‘m’ to auto-complete to
`git commit`.
Why? The ‘m’ is in this instance the symbol which identifies ‘commit’
(excludes the other). There is no requirement for another hit on the
<tab> key because it already has been hit once.
This can be done with expressions of any length.



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