On Jun 7, 7:18pm, Nikolas Garofil wrote:
} --- a/Src/prototypes.h
} +++ b/Src/prototypes.h
} @@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ extern char *strerror _((int errnum));
} /***************************************************/
} #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE
} -extern void bcopy _((const void *, void *, int));
} +extern void bcopy _((const void *, void *, size_t));
} #endif
} --
Pardon my paranoia, but are we sure that won't itself break somewhere?
A strict compiler that doesn't have size_t declared in scope, or that
does have bcopy() but it doesn't use size_t for it?
Yes, this is probably pretty unlikely nowadays, but obviously you found
one that doesn't have memmove() which I would have thought less likely.