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using tag-order with _pids

The patch below moves the use of _call_program by _pids to inside the
_tags loop. Much of the patch is just reindentation. The purpose of this
is to allow separate processes to be grouped so _next_tags can expand
the list to include a wider range of processes. So for example:

  zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*:' tag-order processes:-tty \
      'processes:-mine:user\ processes' 'processes:-all:all\ processes'
  zstyle ':completion:*:processes-mine' command 'ps -u $EUID'
  zstyle ':completion:*:processes-all' command 'ps -e'

There are some things that aren't ideal about this: the tag-order style
has to be defined for e.g. the kill command and can't apply whenever
_pids is called. Also an ambiguous prefix from the first tag limits
matches in later tags. If anyone has any ideas on solutions to these
issues, I'd be interested to know.


diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_pids b/Completion/Unix/Type/_pids
index 3f99dfd..3c6a765 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Type/_pids
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Type/_pids
@@ -20,25 +20,30 @@ else
-out=( "${(@f)$(_call_program processes ps 2>/dev/null)}" )
-out=( "${(@M)out[2,-1]:#${~match}}" )
-if [[ "$desc" = (#i)(|*[[:blank:]])pid(|[[:blank:]]*) ]]; then
-  pids=( "${(@)${(@M)out#${(l.${#desc[1,(r)(#i)[[:blank:]]pid]}..?.)~:-}[^[:blank:]]#}##*[[:blank:]]}" )
-  pids=( "${(@)${(@M)out##[^0-9]#[0-9]#}##*[[:blank:]]}" )
-if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:processes" verbose; then
-  list=( "${(@Mr:COLUMNS-1:)out}" )
-  desc=(-ld list)
-  desc=()
-_wanted -V processes expl 'process ID' \
-    compadd "$@" "$desc[@]" "$all[@]" -a - pids && ret=0
+while _tags; do
+  if _requested processes; then
+    while _next_label processes expl 'process ID'; do
+      out=( "${(@f)$(_call_program $curtag ps 2>/dev/null)}" )
+      desc="$out[1]"
+      out=( "${(@M)out[2,-1]:#${~match}}" )
+      if [[ "$desc" = (#i)(|*[[:blank:]])pid(|[[:blank:]]*) ]]; then
+	pids=( "${(@)${(@M)out#${(l.${#desc[1,(r)(#i)[[:blank:]]pid]}..?.)~:-}[^[:blank:]]#}##*[[:blank:]]}" )
+      else
+	pids=( "${(@)${(@M)out##[^0-9]#[0-9]#}##*[[:blank:]]}" )
+      fi
+      if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:$curtag" verbose; then
+	list=( "${(@Mr:COLUMNS-1:)out}" )
+	desc=(-ld list)
+      else
+	desc=()
+      fi
+      compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" "$desc[@]" "$all[@]" -a pids && ret=0
+    done
+  fi
+  (( ret )) || break
 if [[ -n "$all" ]]; then
   zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:processes" insert-ids out || out=menu

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