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Re: stty not working

On Sep 1,  6:38am, 0x04210x04350x04400x04330x04350x0439 0x041D0x043E0 wrote:
} I am trying to unset ECHO flag for tty, but stty doesn't work. After
} reading documentation I am still not clear about its behavior.

If you "unsetopt ZLE" to turn off the line editor, your "stty -echo"
will stick.  ZLE can't operate with echo turned off, so it turns it
back on again.

} but
} > stty -echo; read <enter>
} working fine. My brain is broken.

During execution of a command line such as that, the stty change takes
effect and remains in effect until ZLE re-initializes (approximately
until the next prompt is displayed).

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