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Re: [PATCH 6/9] vcs_info quilt: fix unapplied detection on sub-directory

Marc Finet wrote:
> When being in a subdirectory of a "repo" being handled with quilt,
> the `quilt unapplied` command returns all the patches because
> QUILT_PATCHES is an absolute path (which exists and is a dir) and
> quilt considers that .pc should in current directory.
> Changing quilt might be overkill and it seems that QUILT_PATCHES
> should just be a name, not an absolute path.
> -        unapplied=( ${(f)"$(QUILT_PATCHES=$patches $quiltcommand --quiltrc /dev/null unapplied 2> /dev/null)"} )
> +        unapplied=( ${(f)"$(QUILT_PATCHES=$(basename $patches) $quiltcommand --quiltrc /dev/null unapplied 2> /dev/null)"} )

You can't do it like this. With debian-packages for example, quilt
patches live in ‘debian/patches’, which the ‘basename’ call would trim
down to ‘patches’.

If you do need special QUILT_PATCHES treatment, you can set a
‘quit-patches-dir’ style; if the treatment needs to be fancy, you can
also set the style to a function, which opens up the door to whatever
you like.

Regards, Frank

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