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Re: [Pkg-zsh-devel] Bug#760061: "5 seconds to fail"

Hi again,

Axel Beckert wrote:
> This means the issue occurred while running the test suite against the
> static build of the test suite.
> I'll tomorrow check the other failed builds if that was the case
> there, too.

I was too curious, so I checked all buildd logs with hanging test
suites immediately after my last mail. We seem to have either a bunch
of different cases or (IMHO more likely) rather non-deterministic
places where in the test-suite it happens (which again would be more
in line with Bart's findings a month ago).

1) Hangs in the static build at

../../Test/A04redirect.ztst: starting.


2) Hangs in the static build at

This test takes 5 seconds to fail...


This is the type I have currently here for debugging. It's on amd64
Linux, i.e. not Debian GNU/kFreeBSD on amd64 as the log mentioned

3) Hangs in the static build at

../../Test/A05execution.ztst: starting.


4) Hangs in the non-static build at

../../Test/X02zlevi.ztst: starting.


5) Hangs in the non-static build at

This test takes 5 seconds to fail...


6) Hangs in the non-static build at

../../Test/A05execution.ztst: starting.


So it's clearly not always the test suite of the static build. But I
plan to disable the test suite run on the statically build zsh for now
anyways to reduce the probability to run into that issue -- as we
ignore its result currently.

Additionally, I've got some more information about the hanging process
in case that helps:

Console output:

HOME="/home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/testhome" dh_auto_test -B obj-static --parallel || true
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static'
cd Test ; make check
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/Test'
if test -n ""; then \
  cd .. && DESTDIR= \
  make MODDIR=`pwd`/Test/Modules install.modules > /dev/null; \
if ZTST_testlist="`for f in ../../Test/*.ztst; \
           do echo $f; done`" \
 ZTST_srcdir="../../Test" \
 ZTST_exe=../Src/zsh \
 ../Src/zsh +Z -f ../../Test/runtests.zsh; then \
 stat=0; \
else \
 stat=1; \
fi; \
sleep 1; \
rm -rf Modules .zcompdump; \
exit $stat
../../Test/A01grammar.ztst: starting.
This test hangs the shell when it fails...
../../Test/A01grammar.ztst: all tests successful.
../../Test/A02alias.ztst: starting.
This test hangs the shell when it fails...
../../Test/A02alias.ztst: all tests successful.
../../Test/A03quoting.ztst: starting.
../../Test/A03quoting.ztst: all tests successful.
../../Test/A04redirect.ztst: starting.
../../Test/A04redirect.ztst: all tests successful.
../../Test/A05execution.ztst: starting.
Unable to change MONITOR option
This test takes 5 seconds to fail...
<Hangs here>

Open files, again latest child first:

~ # lsof -p 23664
zsh     23664  abe  cwd    DIR  253,3     4096  1053779 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/Test/command.tmp
zsh     23664  abe  rtd    DIR  253,1     4096        2 /
zsh     23664  abe  txt    REG  253,3  5567456  1053778 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/Src/zsh
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1   151984   942005 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_CTYPE
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       50   942004 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_NUMERIC
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1     2454   942993 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_TIME
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1  1501202   941630 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_COLLATE
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1      270   942576 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MONETARY
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       48   942574 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       34   941654 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_PAPER
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       62   938215 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_NAME
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1      131   938217 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_ADDRESS
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       47   942270 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_TELEPHONE
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1       23   942273 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MEASUREMENT
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1    26258  1010059 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1      168   942571 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
zsh     23664  abe  mem    REG  253,1  3124784   930019 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
zsh     23664  abe    0r   REG   0,32        0 36967738 /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.23664
zsh     23664  abe    1w   REG   0,32        9 36958604 /tmp/zsh.ztst.tout.23664
zsh     23664  abe    2w   REG   0,32        0 36958605 /tmp/zsh.ztst.terr.23664
zsh     23664  abe   10r   REG  253,3    14300  2101965 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/Test/ztst.zsh
zsh     23664  abe   11w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36921442 pipe
zsh     23664  abe   12r   REG  253,3     4802  2101923 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/Test/A05execution.ztst
zsh     23664  abe   13r  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36920973 pipe
zsh     23664  abe   14w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36921442 pipe
zsh     23664  abe   15w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36921442 pipe
zsh     23664  abe   16r  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36968504 pipe
zsh     23664  abe   19w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36968505 pipe

~ # lsof -p 22881
zsh     22881  abe  cwd    DIR  253,3     4096  1053452 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/Test
zsh     22881  abe  rtd    DIR  253,1     4096        2 /
zsh     22881  abe  txt    REG  253,3  5567456  1053778 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/obj-static/Src/zsh
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1   151984   942005 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_CTYPE
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       50   942004 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_NUMERIC
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1     2454   942993 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_TIME
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1  1501202   941630 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_COLLATE
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1      270   942576 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MONETARY
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       48   942574 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       34   941654 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_PAPER
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       62   938215 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_NAME
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1      131   938217 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_ADDRESS
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       47   942270 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_TELEPHONE
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1       23   942273 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_MEASUREMENT
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1    26258  1010059 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1      168   942571 /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
zsh     22881  abe  mem    REG  253,1  3124784   930019 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
zsh     22881  abe    0r  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36920973 pipe
zsh     22881  abe    1w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36921442 pipe
zsh     22881  abe    2w  FIFO    0,8      0t0 36921442 pipe
zsh     22881  abe   10r   REG  253,3      758  2101964 /home/abe/zsh/zsh/Test/runtests.zsh

Contents of the open files in /tmp/:

~ # head -100 /tmp/zsh.ztst.*
==> /tmp/zsh.ztst.err.23664 <==

==> /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.23664 <==

==> /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.23664 <==

==> /tmp/zsh.ztst.terr.23664 <==

==> /tmp/zsh.ztst.tout.23664 <==


		Kind regards, Axel
/~\  Plain Text Ribbon Campaign                   | Axel Beckert
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