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Re: bug report: vi mode yank should yank to 0 register

Gábor Márton wrote:
> I am not sure if this list is the proper form of reporting bugs, please
> forgive me.

No, this is exactly the right place. Thanks for the report.

> I have noticed that zsh vi mode is using the " register instead of the 0
> register when a yank is done.

It's a vi mode not a vim mode. And as in vi, there is no 0 register. You
might notice that you get a beep after pressing "0.

I'd agree that it would be nice to have some vim features working for
zsh. This is one case where I prefer the emacs yank stack concept.

I'm not sure that "1 to "9 are exactly working as in vi: both deletions
and yanks go to them. This is probably because they were implemented on
top of the killring which was implemented with emacs in mind first.


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