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Re: Fix zshmodule.1 syntax

On Nov 22,  1:26pm, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
} Subject: Re: Fix zshmodule.1 syntax
} 2014-11-22 7:07 GMT+01:00 Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
} > On Nov 21, 11:06pm, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
} > }
} > } Using mandoc -Tlint -Werror on the generated zshmodule.1 showed a
} > } syntax error the following patch fixes it:
} > }
} > } https://people.freebsd.org/~bapt/0001-Do-not-close-twice-the-index.patch
} >
} > Thanks, but this can't be all there is to it.  There are two startitem()
} > calls, so there need to be two enditem() calls.
} The startitem() is closed 2 lines after


8 lines matching "\\(start\\|end\\)item" in buffer mod_system.yo.

Your diff would remove the enditem() at line 191, leaving line 181 with
no matching end.  I can believe the generated manual page is wrong, but
the yodl source is not as far as I can tell.

Looking at zshmodules.1 from my latest build I see:

              A readonly associative array.  The keys are:
       pid    Returns the process ID of the current  process,  even  in  sub-
              shells.   Compare  $$, which returns the process ID of the main
              shell process.

       ppid   Returns the process ID of the parent of  the  current  process,
              even in subshells.  Compare $PPID, which returns the process ID
              of the parent of the main shell process.

Here "pid" and "ppid" are meant to be indented an extra level, but
are not.  The nesting works in zle.yo -> zshzle.1 for bindkey:

       bindkey [ options ] [ in-string ]
              bindkey's  options can be divided into three categories: keymap
              selection for the current  command,  operation  selection,  and
              others.  The keymap selection options are:

              -e     Selects keymap 'emacs' for any operations by the current
                     command, and also links 'emacs' to 'main' so that it  is
                     selected by default the next time the editor starts.

So there's something subtle going on in mod_system.yo.

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