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PATCH: vcs_info quilt: fix unapplied detection in subdir

When patches are applied, let quilt use .pc without forcing the
patch directory, this will fix the unapplied detection when being in
When no patches are applied, use zstyle quilt-patch-dir then
QUILT_PATCHES then "patches" for path to search for patches.

Note: prefer setting quilt-patch-dir rather than QUILT_PATCHES for
absolute path because when patches are applied, quilt unapplied will
not return the correct list (i.e. the whole list rather that the one
specified by .pc/.quilt_series).
 Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt | 30 +++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt b/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt
index db15dda..34ff1ed 100644
--- a/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt
+++ b/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function VCS_INFO_quilt() {
     local patches pc tmp qstring root
     local -i ret
     local -x context
-    local -a applied unapplied all applied_string unapplied_string quiltcommand
+    local -a applied unapplied all applied_string unapplied_string quiltcommand quilt_env
     local -Ax hook_com
@@ -105,17 +105,6 @@ function VCS_INFO_quilt() {
-    zstyle -s "${context}" quilt-patch-dir patches || patches="${QUILT_PATCHES}"
-    if [[ "${patches}" != /* ]]; then
-        tmp=${patches:-patches}
-        patches="$(VCS_INFO_quilt-dirfind "${tmp}")"
-        ret=$?
-        (( ret )) && return ${ret}
-        patches=${patches}/${tmp}
-    else
-        [[ -d ${patches} ]] || return 1
-    fi
     pc="$(VCS_INFO_quilt-dirfind .pc .version)"
     if (( ret == 0 )); then
@@ -129,12 +118,27 @@ function VCS_INFO_quilt() {
+        patches=$(<$pc/.quilt_patches)
     if zstyle -t "${context}" get-unapplied; then
         # This zstyle call needs to be moved further up if `quilt' needs
         # to be run in more places than this one.
         zstyle -s "${context}" quiltcommand quiltcommand || quiltcommand='quilt'
-        unapplied=( ${(f)"$(QUILT_PATCHES=$patches $quiltcommand --quiltrc /dev/null unapplied 2> /dev/null)"} )
+        quilt_env=(env)
+        if [ -z "$patches" ]; then
+            zstyle -s "${context}" quilt-patch-dir patches || patches="${QUILT_PATCHES}"
+            if [[ "${patches}" != /* ]]; then
+                tmp=${patches:-patches}
+                patches="$(VCS_INFO_quilt-dirfind "${tmp}")"
+                ret=$?
+                (( ret )) && return ${ret}
+                patches=${patches}/${tmp}
+            else
+                [[ -d ${patches} ]] || return 1
+            fi
+            quilt_env+=(QUILT_PATCHES="$patches")
+        fi
+        unapplied=( ${(f)"$(${quilt_env[@]} $quiltcommand --quiltrc /dev/null unapplied 2> /dev/null)"} )
         unapplied=( ${unapplied:#} )

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