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Anyone want to help make zsh/db/gdbm work?

This module has been sitting around forever, completely undocumented.  The
basic functions work; I tweaked a couple of things and wrote a short page
of documentation, which explains about this:

schaefer<507> typeset GDBMDB
schaefer<508> ztie -d db/gdbm -f gdbmdb GDBMDB
ztie: cannot create the requested parameter GDBMDB

However, there's still this:

schaefer<518> typeset GDBMDB
schaefer<519> (){ local GDBMDB; unset GDBMDB; ztie -d db/gdbm -f gdbmdb GDBMDB }
 ../../zsh-5.0/Src/params.c:4914: BUG: in restoring scope of special parameter
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  Src/zsh

This happens because ztie/zuntie directly manipulate the global paramtab.
Somebody else may be able to patch that up quicker than I.

diff --git a/Doc/Makefile.in b/Doc/Makefile.in
index 41af4a3..a420781 100644
--- a/Doc/Makefile.in
+++ b/Doc/Makefile.in
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ MODDOCSRC = \
 Zsh/mod_attr.yo Zsh/mod_cap.yo Zsh/mod_clone.yo \
 Zsh/mod_compctl.yo Zsh/mod_complete.yo Zsh/mod_complist.yo \
 Zsh/mod_computil.yo Zsh/mod_curses.yo \
-Zsh/mod_datetime.yo Zsh/mod_deltochar.yo \
+Zsh/mod_datetime.yo Zsh/mod_db_gdbm.yo Zsh/mod_deltochar.yo \
 Zsh/mod_example.yo Zsh/mod_files.yo Zsh/mod_langinfo.yo \
 Zsh/mod_mapfile.yo Zsh/mod_mathfunc.yo Zsh/mod_newuser.yo \
 Zsh/mod_parameter.yo Zsh/mod_pcre.yo Zsh/mod_regex.yo \
diff --git a/Src/Modules/db_gdbm.c b/Src/Modules/db_gdbm.c
index 9a2a7a5..f079094 100644
--- a/Src/Modules/db_gdbm.c
+++ b/Src/Modules/db_gdbm.c
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
 #include <gdbm.h>
-#if 0 /* what is this for? */
 static char *backtype = "db/gdbm";
 static const struct gsu_scalar gdbm_gsu =
 { gdbmgetfn, gdbmsetfn, gdbmunsetfn };
@@ -60,33 +58,38 @@ bin_ztie(char *nam, char **args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func))
     Param tied_param;
     if(!OPT_ISSET(ops,'d')) {
-        zwarnnam(nam, "you must pass `-d db/gdbm' to ztie", NULL);
+        zwarnnam(nam, "you must pass `-d %s'", backtype);
 	return 1;
     if(!OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) {
-        zwarnnam(nam, "you must pass `-f' with a filename to ztie", NULL);
+        zwarnnam(nam, "you must pass `-f' with a filename", NULL);
 	return 1;
     /* Here should be a lookup of the backend type against
      * a registry.
+    if (strcmp(OPT_ARG(ops, 'd'), backtype) != 0) {
+        zwarnnam(nam, "unsupported backend type `%s'", OPT_ARG(ops, 'd'));
+	return 1;
+    }
     pmname = ztrdup(*args);
     resource_name = OPT_ARG(ops, 'f');
-    if (!(tied_param = createspecialhash(pmname, &getgdbmnode, &scangdbmkeys, 0))) {
-        zwarnnam(nam, "cannot create the requested parameter name", NULL);
-	return 1;
-    }
     dbf = gdbm_open(resource_name, 0, GDBM_WRCREAT | GDBM_SYNC, 0666, 0);
     if(!dbf) {
         zwarnnam(nam, "error opening database file %s", resource_name);
 	return 1;
+    if (!(tied_param = createspecialhash(pmname, &getgdbmnode, &scangdbmkeys, 0))) {
+        zwarnnam(nam, "cannot create the requested parameter %s", pmname);
+	gdbm_close(dbf);
+	return 1;
+    }
     tied_param->u.hash->tmpdata = (void *)dbf;
     return 0;
@@ -98,19 +101,25 @@ bin_zuntie(char *nam, char **args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func))
     Param pm;
     GDBM_FILE dbf;
-    pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, args[0]);
-    if(!pm) {
-        zwarnnam(nam, "cannot untie %s", args[0]);
-	return 1;
+    char *pmname;
+    int ret = 0;
+    for (pmname = *args; *args++; pmname = *args) {
+	pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, pmname);
+	if(!pm) {
+	    zwarnnam(nam, "cannot untie %s", pmname);
+	    ret = 1;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	dbf = (GDBM_FILE)(pm->u.hash->tmpdata);
+	gdbm_close(dbf);
+	/* free(pm->u.hash->tmpdata); */
+	pm->u.hash->tmpdata = NULL;
+	paramtab->removenode(paramtab, pm->node.nam);
-    dbf = (GDBM_FILE)(pm->u.hash->tmpdata);
-    gdbm_close(dbf);
-/*    free(pm->u.hash->tmpdata); */
-    paramtab->removenode(paramtab, pm->node.nam);
-    return 0;
+    return ret;

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