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problem with 310

   $ zsh
   /aWorking/Zsh/Boot/zstyle:6: compinit: function definition file not
   /aWorking/Zsh/Boot/zstyle:7: colors: function definition file not found
   /aWorking/Zsh/Boot/zstyle:8: select-word-style: function definition
   file not found

   ... referencing these lines:

   autoload -U compinit && compinit
   autoload -U colors && colors
   autoload -U select-word-style && select-word-style shell

However, inspite of the messages, nothing seems to be broken. In particular, all my colors seem fine, completion seems fine.

No messages with: zsh-5.0.7-305-g9b21dca.

As always, builds are static.

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