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Re: [PATCH] Proposed change to show-ambiguity context

On May 17, 11:45pm, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
} I always wondered list-colors and LS_COLORS were either/or, rather than
} overlay list-colors on top of LS_COLORS - that is: have the already-typed
} part of the filename in color X, the next-letter-to-be-typed in color Y,
} and the remainder of the filename colored according to LS_COLORS.  (where
} X and Y are specified by list-colors/show-ambiguity)

Because list-colors and show-ambiguity, like most of the "menu" styles,
are just alternate interfaces to the base functionality from complist. as
implemented by LS_COLORS, et al.

The zstyle mechanism is not interpreted anywhere internally, it's just
a different namespace for storing things and looking them up.

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