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[PATCH] Try dir if ls -lF isn't supported by server

This patch try to fix two problems:
1. on some ftp server, "ls -lF" cann't show long listing format of files,
but "dir" can.
2. can be used with directories which have spaces in name
 Functions/Zftp/zfcd_match | 8 +++++++-
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Functions/Zftp/zfcd_match b/Functions/Zftp/zfcd_match
index 9159f49..d977983 100644
--- a/Functions/Zftp/zfcd_match
+++ b/Functions/Zftp/zfcd_match
@@ -25,7 +25,13 @@ if [[ $ZFTP_SYSTEM = UNIX* ]]; then
   # If we're using -F, we get away with using a directory
   # to list, but not a glob.  Don't ask me why.
-  reply=(${${(M)${(f)"$(zftp ls -lF $dir)"}:#d*}/(#b)*[[:space:]](*)\//$match[1]})
+  reply=(${(M)${(f)"$(zftp ls -lF $dir)"}:#d([^[:space:]]##[[:space:]]##)(#c8)?##\/})
+  # If ls -lF doesn't work, try dir ...
+  if ! (($#reply)); then
+    reply=(${(M)${(f)"$(zftp dir $dir)"}:#d([^[:space:]]##[[:space:]]##)(#c8)?##})
+  fi
+  reply=(${reply/(#b)d([^[:space:]]##[[:space:]]##)(#c8)([^\/]##)\/#/$match[2]})
 #  () {
 #    zftp ls -LF $dir >|$1
 #    reply=($(awk '/\/$/ { print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1) }' $1))

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