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Re: bracketed paste mode in xterm and urxvt

2015-06-03 14:06:05 +0200, Mikael Magnusson:
> It's probably worth noting that 'safe-paste' is a bad name for this,
> since the pasted text can include the end-paste escape code, causing
> the rest of the paste to appear to the shell as typed by the user.
> This page has an example attack against the plugin,
> https://thejh.net/misc/website-terminal-copy-paste
> Hm, seems newer xterm prohibits pasting raw escape codes, so if you
> have one of those versions, you are safe.

Yes, see:


for details.

Note that with xterm, it's also possible to configure it
to do another safe type of bracketed paste like:

xterm -xrm 'XTerm.VT100.translations: #override Shift <KeyPress> space: insert-formatted("\033[202~%S~%s", CLIPBOARD)'

For the CLIPBOARD selection to be inserted as ^[[202~3~abc (here
upon Shift+Space).

That is with the content of the selection prefixed with its
length (in bytes)


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