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PATCH: Improve _zargs

I noticed the zargs completion didn't do much, this improves matters
a bit.  I suppose the 1) case could check if we already specified a
command at the end, and use that completion, but I'll leave that as an
exercise for now.

 Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs b/Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs
index f1f87b4..c24b276 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs
@@ -1,24 +1,48 @@
 #compdef zargs -value-,-default-,-command-
-# atom smasher - jan 2011
-local arguments
+local arguments eofstr pos=$((CURRENT)) numeofs=0 ret=1 cmdpos=1
-arguments=( $arguments[@]
-  '(--eof -e)'{--eof=,-e+}'[change the end-of-input-args string from "--" to eof-str]'
-  '(--exit, -x)'{--exit,-x}'[exit if the size (see --max-chars) is exceeded]'
-  '--help[print summary and exit]'
-  '(--interactive, -p)'{--interactive,-p}'[prompt before executing each command line]'
-  '(--max-args, -n)'{--max-args=,-n+}'[use at most max-args arguments per command line]'
-  '(--max-chars, -s)'{--max-chars=,-s+}'[use at most max-chars characters per command line]'
-  '(--max-lines, -l)'{--max-lines=,-l+}'[use at most max-lines of the input-args per command line]'
-  '(--max-procs, -P)'{--max-procs=,-P+}'[run up to max-procs command lines in the background at once]'
-  '(--no-run-if-empty, -r)'{--no-run-if-empty,-r}'[do nothing if there are no input arguments before the eof-str]'
-  '(--null, -0)'{--null,-0}'[split each input-arg at null bytes, for xargs compatibility]'
-  '(--replace, -i)'{--replace=,-i}'[substitute replace-str in the initial-args by each initial-arg]'
-  '(--verbose, -t)'{--verbose,-t}'[print each command line to stderr before executing it]'
-  '--version[print the version number of zargs and exit]'
+#this doesn't handle '--' on the command line, only --
+#it also by extension doesn't handle eofstr being the empty string
+#it also also doesn't handle eofstr being -e or --eof, and everything will
+# probably also be confused if the command at the end takes a -e, --eof= or --
+while {
+  pos=$(( words[(b:pos-1:I)$eofstr] ))
+  (( numeofs == 0 )) && (( cmdpos = pos ))
+  (( pos )) && (( numeofs++ ))
+  (( pos ))
+} {}
+case $numeofs in
+  0)
+    #zargs arguments
+    arguments=(
+      '(--eof -e)'{--eof=,-e+}'[change the end-of-input-args string from "--" to eof-str]'
+      '(--exit, -x)'{--exit,-x}'[exit if the size (see --max-chars) is exceeded]'
+      '--help[print summary and exit]'
+      '(--interactive, -p)'{--interactive,-p}'[prompt before executing each command line]'
+      '(--max-args, -n)'{--max-args=,-n+}'[use at most max-args arguments per command line]'
+      '(--max-chars, -s)'{--max-chars=,-s+}'[use at most max-chars characters per command line]'
+      '(--max-lines, -l)'{--max-lines=,-l+}'[use at most max-lines of the input-args per command line]'
+      '(--max-procs, -P)'{--max-procs=,-P+}'[run up to max-procs command lines in the background at once]'
+      '(--no-run-if-empty, -r)'{--no-run-if-empty,-r}'[do nothing if there are no input arguments before the eof-str]'
+      '(--null, -0)'{--null,-0}'[split each input-arg at null bytes, for xargs compatibility]'
+      '(--replace, -i)'{--replace=,-i}'[substitute replace-str in the initial-args by each initial-arg]'
+      '(--verbose, -t)'{--verbose,-t}'[print each command line to stderr before executing it]'
+      '--version[print the version number of zargs and exit]'
+    )
+    _arguments -S -s $arguments[@] && ret=0
+  ;;
+  1)
+    #argument list for command
+    _files && ret=0
+  ;;
+  *)
+    #command and command arguments
+    shift cmdpos words
+    (( CURRENT -= cmdpos ))
+    _normal
+  ;;
-_arguments -S -s $arguments[@]
-_command_names -e
+return ret

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