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bug with expansion and backslashes

On 25 Apr, Bart wrote:
> } >  add backslash to alias expansion matching in _expand
> --- a/Completion/Base/Completer/_expand
>    setopt aliases
>    eval 'exp=( ${${(e)exp//\\[ 	
> -]/ }//(#b)([ 	
> +]/ }//(#b)([ 	\\
>  ])/\\$match[1]} )' 2>/dev/null

I just noticed that expansion was broken when I tried to expand *\~
(exiftran backs up files with a trailing ~ and I wanted to clean them up)
git bisect led me to 33ff5d06 which is the patch above.

What's not clear to me is what problem this patch was trying to solve.

To reproduce, the following seems to be enough:
  zsh -f
  autoload -U compinit ; compinit
  zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _expand _complete
  bindkey '^I' complete-word
  setopt extendedglob


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