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Re: zrecompile -p -R/-M has no effect

On Sep 23, 11:36pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
} Subject: zrecompile -p -R/-M has no effect
} % zcompile() { >&2 echo -E - zcompile "$@"; builtin zcompile "$@" }
} % touch .zshrc; zrecompile -p -R .zshrc
} zcompile -t .zshrc.zwc
} re-compiling .zshrc.zwc: zcompile .zshrc.zwc .zshrc
} succeeded
} It ate my -R.

It looks (set -x) as though the first "getops :tqp opt" loop is
consuming the -R and passing it through the the (*) branch which
stashes it in $tmp, which is then used to shift it off $argv at
the end of the loop.

The shift expression (line 55) is

    shift OPTIND-${#tmp:-1}

I suspect it needs to be

    shift OPTIND-${#tmp}-1

Anyone care to confirm?

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