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Re: Proof of concept: "static" parameter scope

Bart Schaefer wrote on Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 15:17:39 -0700:
> On Oct 5,  9:55pm, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> }
> } Related issue:
> } 
> } % disable -r local
> } % zxxx() { local x=(a b c); print $x }
> } % enable -r local  
> } % which zxxx
> } zxxx () {
> } 	local x=(a b c)
> } 	print $x
> } }
> } 
> } Should it output 'builtin local x=(a b c)'?
> No, we don't want to go down that road, because "disable local" doesn't
> (shouldn't) cause it to start emitting "command local" either.

Okay, I understand the consistency point, but could you explain why
"disable local" shouldn't emit "command local"?

I'm not saying it should do something else; I'm just trying to understand
why the modifier ('builtin' or 'command') should be output in neither case.

> However, it is worth noting that it's now necessary to disable BOTH the
> keyword AND the corresponding builtin if you actually want to find an
> external command named "local" by default.



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