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Command not found error with "=" prefix


If you prefix a command with "=" and the application returns an error then 
zsh also displays a command not found error:

λ echo $ZSH_VERSION 

λ =true

No error, fine.

λ =false
=false: command not found 

false does exist though:

λ type -a false
false is a shell builtin
false is /usr/bin/false
false is /usr/bin/false
false is /usr/bin/false
false is /bin/false
false is /usr/bin/X11/false

Also reproducable with other programs:

λ =clang -fuse-ld=lld2 test.c -lm
unrecognized reloc 23
clang-3.8: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 
=clang: command not found 

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