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Re: PATCH: nested ${(P)} (formerly SHWORDSPLIT and leading spaces)

Since the commit 830d54e629e8e12eb5a219a65a013876662e7b3e
I can't complete git subcommand:

% git <TAB>
_git_commands:186: bad substitution

It is failing at _git:5246
 ${${(Pr.COLUMNS-4.)cmdtype/(#s)(#m)[^:]##:/${(r.len.)MATCH[1,-2]} $sep }%% #}

A simpler example which fails is:

% array=()
% name=array
% echo ${${(Pr.6.)name}}
zsh: bad substitution

but ${${(Pr.5.)name}} works. It seems 5 is $#name.

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