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Re: _history-complete-older problems with $(

PS. I used the "find LBUFFER myself" approach to handle following case
better ("|" is cursor):

% $(( 0 |+ 1 ))

Doing ${(z)LBUFFER} and then (z) on right part of BUFFER would produce
SUFFIX="+" instead of "+ 1 ))".  If I find the word in ${(z)BUFFER}
and divide it into two halves myself, then I have PREFIX="$(( 0 "
SUFFIX "+ 1 ))". However, following case works better with LBUFFER

% ${|a some other $words

With LBUFFER approach, PREFIX="${" SUFFIX="a" and that's better than
PREFIX="${" SUFFIX="a some other $words". I can of course respect
no_complete_in_words and do PREFIX="${a" SUFFIX="".

I'm currently looking for a way to choose better strategy, maybe
someone has some ideas?

Best regards,
Sebastian Gniazdowski

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