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Re: leading '=' in enviroment variable truncated

Sorry realized I sent this out missing a key piece of info. My current
version of *zsh is** 5.0.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0)*. Also the last
example I posted spits out "test" not "FOO".

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 9:21 AM Jacob Lowe <jacoblowe2.0@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hey all,
> First off thanks for making/maintaining ZSH. Its a awesome project, and
> has been my default shell for 3 plus years.
> I recently ran into a unique thing that ZSH does that cause a bug that was
> filed on a project I help maintain.
> https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/issues/140
> It is a javascript module that loads environment variables into the
> process for the node program to use. I noticed the module was parsing the
> the env ok and the bug only occurred while preloading the script. I tried
> to load in the env via the command line straight into the node program as
> well.
> TEST='=FOO' node -e 'console.log(process.env.TEST)'
> This spits out "FOO" with no leading "=".
> So I filed and issue on nodejs repo thinking this had to do with the way
> it was handling the environment variables.
> https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6627
> From the feedback in the ticket, it seems this is happening in ZSH only
> and when logging into bash the command works as expected. I also tried
> something very similar in ruby and got the same result.
> TEST='=test' ruby -e 'puts ENV["TEST"]'
> This also spits out "FOO" with no leading "=".
> Is this intended behavior? and thanks again.

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