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PCP zsh completions


FWIW, FYI, I mentioned in an earlier email that I'm working with some
additional zsh completions. I've now created them for PCP, Performance
Co-Pilot. Here's a brief PCP introduction:

The Performance Co-Pilot (PCP, http://www.pcp.io/) system is a toolkit
for collecting, archiving, and processing performance metrics from
multiple operating systems. A typical Linux PCP installation offers over
1,000 metrics by default and is in turn extensible with its own plugins.
In addition to very complete /proc based statistics, readily available
PCP plugins provide support for such system and application level
components as 389 Directory Server, Apache, containers, GFS2, Gluster,
KVM, MySQL, NFS, Oracle, Postfix, PostgreSQL, Samba, and Sendmail, among
others. PCP also runs on many  platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X,
FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, and Windows.

Since the PCP command line tools ("clients" in PCP parlance) evolve over
the time I submitted the completions to PCP upstream where it's easier
to keep them in-sync with the client code:



Marko Myllynen

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