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Re: [PATCH] _describe and literal \n

On Jul 23,  6:04pm, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
} Gives:
} [[[
} % f <TAB>
} bar  -- lorem\nipsum
} foo  -- hello\nworld
} ]]]
} Is this fix correct?

Boy, that's a tough one.  If the embedded newlines mess up something else,
like for example menuselect keeping track of lines/columns/cursor, then
I'd say this is the closest thing to a correct quick-fix.

On the other hand if the extra newlines are handled correctly, then I'd
say this fix isn't warranted, and it's up to the caller to decide what
is meant when a newline appears in the descriptions.

Ideally the newlines would get noticed and the result would be more like

% f <TAB>
bar  -- lorem
foo  -- hello

but that seems a tall hill to climb.

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