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compset -q oddities

I managed to break a few things while composing a reply to 39265:

% _f() { compset -q ; compadd "~~~" } 
% compdef _f f
% f <TAB><TAB>
% f \\\~\\\~\\\~\\\~\\\~\\\~

% _g() { compset -q } 
% compdef _g g
% g $'\'<TAB>
compcore.c:1657: expecting 'x' at offset 2 of "'x"

% _h() { repeat 2 compset -q; compadd foo }
% compdef _h h
% h "\$'<TAB>
% h "$'foo<TAB>
utils.c:6826: BUG: unterminated $' substitution

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