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Re: "fake" style requires at least one real match?

One more example -- if I change this to the fake-always style with an
ignored-patterns of '*' as recommended in the manual --

setopt cdablevars
mydirs=( mydir1 mydir2 )
zstyle -e ':completion::complete:cd:*:named-directories-mine' \
    fake-always 'reply=($mydirs)'
zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*:named-directories-mine' \ 
    ignored-patterns '*'
zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*' tag-order \
    'named-directories:-mine:extra\ directories'

-- then it ignores tag-order entirely:

torch% hash -d move=$PWD
torch% cd m
Completing extra directories
mydir1              mydir2            
Completing user
mach      mail      mailnull  mysql   
Completing named directory

But if allow a single other named directory to pass:

torch% zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*:named-directories-mine' \
    ignored-patterns '*~?o*'
torch% cd m
Completing extra directories
move    mydir1  mydir2


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