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Re: When is following code being run?

Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote on Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 02:23:04 -0800:
> Hello,
> file params.c, line 1572 and following in the else block:
> https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/master/Src/params.c#L1572-L1583

The link will bitrot: http://www.zsh.org/cgi-bin/mla/redirect?WORKERNUMBER=37966

> The strlen can be optimized out, as getstrvalue has most probably ran it
> already. I wonder about benefits, as there will be probably none, as "
> if (pprog && pattry(pprog, d) &&" and similar code consumes probably 95%
> of CPU cycles. But would test this, who knows.

    zsh -f -c 'foo=bar; : $foo[(r)a]' 

enters that code.

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