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Re: Bad effect of error in zle-line-pre-redraw

On Nov 13,  3:45pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
} IIRC, and looking at the code, it needed to save more stuff around
} calling the hook function. I think when I wrote the code,
} zlecallhook() didn't exist, and the similar places I borrowed the code
} from didn't have the errflag resetting. It does seem pretty likely
} that restoring the errflag won't hurt.

Well, zlecallhook() has been around since 2010 and git says that
redrawhook() was 2015 ... but, no matter; how about:

diff --git a/Src/Zle/zle_main.c b/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
index 04b9357..1652b7c 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
+++ b/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
@@ -1041,28 +1041,43 @@ getrestchar(int inchar, char *outstr, int *outcount)
-void redrawhook(void)
     Thingy initthingy;
     if ((initthingy = rthingy_nocreate("zle-line-pre-redraw"))) {
+	/* Duplicating most of zlecallhook() to save additional state */
+	int saverrflag = errflag, savretflag = retflag;
 	int lastcmd_prev = lastcmd;
 	int old_incompfunc = incompfunc;
 	char *args[2];
 	Thingy lbindk_save = lbindk, bindk_save = bindk;
 	args[0] = initthingy->nam;
 	args[1] = NULL;
+	/* The generic redraw hook cannot be a completion function, so
+	 * temporarily reset state for special variable handling etc.
+	 */
 	incompfunc = 0;
 	execzlefunc(initthingy, args, 1);
 	incompfunc = old_incompfunc;
+	/* Restore errflag and retflag as zlecallhook() does */
+	errflag = saverrflag | (errflag & ERRFLAG_INT);
+	retflag = savretflag;
 	lbindk = lbindk_save;
 	bindk = bindk_save;
 	/* we can't set ZLE_NOTCOMMAND since it's not a legit widget, so
-	 * restore lastcmd manually so that we don't mess up the global state */
+	 * restore lastcmd manually so that we don't mess up the global state
+	 */
 	lastcmd = lastcmd_prev;

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