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Re: [PATCH] Remove SH_USE_BSD_ECHO autoconf test.

On Dec 25,  2:33am, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
} This output shows that the debian package of zsh is not reproducible
} (in the sense of https://www.reproducible-builds.org/ - bit-for-bit
} identical artifacts). because it contains config.h whose contents
} depend on what /bin/sh is at build time.

IMO this is just stupid.  config.h is not an output of the build, it's
an intermediate step which in this case is irrelevant.  It shouldn't
have been included in the checksum in the first place -- or conversely
it shouldn't have been included in the debian package.

Further the whole point of "configure" is to produce results that might
vary based on the buid environment.  Reproducibility should only apply
downstream of configuration, if it's to have any value at all.

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