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Weird tab complete problem with long directory names with a dash and unicode characters

If you do
mkdir -p るるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるる-/foo
and then attempt to complete foo from the current location, it doesn't
work with compinit loaded. If you take off one of the るs it's fine, if
you take out the - it's fine (though the position of the - doesn't
seem to matter), if you use a million "a"s instead it's fine, the る
isn't super special though, it's also broken with a bunch of け or any
other combination I tried (I originally found it because of a real
directory name). My guess is this is somehow related to the - / Dash
stuff Peter did recently, but reverting them randomly also didn't seem
to have much effect. I'm also puzzled as to why the length of the
string matters and why 26?

Mikael Magnusson

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