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Re: 'zle redisplay' bug in 5.3?

On Jan 7,  8:04pm, Peter Stephenson wrote:
} Subject: Re: 'zle redisplay' bug in 5.3?
} OK, how about this as an alternative to the previous change to the
} refresh code?  If I'm following properly, this was a problem when
} TRAPINT () {
} 	zle reset-prompt
} 	return 127
} }
} was in effect during interruption at a completion list.

That's correct.  However, this patch (checking errflag) does not fix
the issue with interrupts.

Here's how to reproduce:

    zsh -f
    autoload compinit
    compinit -u -D
    TRAPINT () {
      zle reset-prompt
      return 127
    _delay() { sleep 10 }
    zstyle \* completer _complete _delay

Now complete after e.g. "ls " and press ^C within 10 seconds.  The
complist module does not need to be involved, so a change only there
does not help.

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