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patch for ssh completion


I've found a tiny problem with the ssh completion script where any host entries defined in included configuration files do not appear as choices when completing. I've attached a patch that fixes it for me. Below is an example that illustrates the problem:

Include hosts

Host example
HostName example.local

--- /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_ssh	2016-12-22 11:27:00.000000000 -0800
+++ packages/base/.local/share/zsh/functions/_ssh	2017-02-26 22:37:47.513422235 -0800
@@ -681,16 +681,21 @@
   if [[ -r $config ]]; then
     local key hosts host
-    while IFS=$'=\t ' read -r key hosts; do
-      if [[ "$key" == (#i)host ]]; then
-         for host in ${(z)hosts}; do
-            case $host in
-            (*[*?]*) ;;
-            (*) config_hosts+=("$host") ;;
-            esac
-         done
-      fi
-    done < "$config"
+    local filename configs=($config)
+    grep '^Include\b' "$config" | sed 's/\s\+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f2 |
+    while read -r filename; do
+        config=$HOME/.ssh/$filename
+        while IFS=$'=\t ' read -r key hosts; do
+        if [[ "$key" == (#i)host ]]; then
+            for host in ${(z)hosts}; do
+                case $host in
+                (*[*?]*) ;;
+                (*) config_hosts+=("$host") ;;
+                esac
+            done
+        fi
+        done < "$config"
+    done
     if (( ${#config_hosts} )); then
       _wanted hosts expl 'remote host name' \
         compadd -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|.=* r:|=*' "$@" $config_hosts

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