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Re: Two different zsh sessions handle $* differently

They are the same in both:

    posixargzero -> off
    autolist -> on
    printexitvalue -> off
    kshzerosubscript -> off
    histreduceblanks -> off
    chaselinks -> off
    extendedglob -> off
    localloops -> off
    histnostore -> off
    automenu -> on
    globcomplete -> off
    unset -> on
    listpacked -> off
    promptsubst -> on
    shwordsplit -> off
    pathdirs -> off
    kshtypeset -> off
    listtypes -> on
    warncreateglobal -> off
    promptbang -> off
    dotglob -> off
    braceexpand -> on
    listbeep -> on
    correctall -> off
    privileged -> off
    numericglobsort -> off
    histverify -> off
    trackall -> on
    histsubstpattern -> off
    globstarshort -> off
    cbases -> off
    rcquotes -> off
    posixaliases -> off
    histfindnodups -> on
    bashautolist -> off
    sharehistory -> off
    overstrike -> off
    kshautoload -> off
    incappendhistory -> on
    appendcreate -> off
    promptcr -> on
    mailwarn -> off
    pushdignoredups -> off
    interactive -> on
    ignoreeof -> off
    globsubst -> off
    rematchpcre -> off
    monitor -> on
    histsavebycopy -> on
    histbeep -> on
    debugbeforecmd -> on
    magicequalsubst -> off
    rmstarsilent -> off
    posixjobs -> off
    hashcmds -> on
    posixtraps -> off
    extendedhistory -> off
    notify -> on
    kshoptionprint -> off
    histexpiredupsfirst -> off
    glob -> on
    posixcd -> off
    braceccl -> off
    badpattern -> on
    longlistjobs -> off
    banghist -> on
    dvorak -> off
    alwaystoend -> off
    hashall -> on
    globalexport -> on
    ksharrays -> off
    correct -> off
    autonamedirs -> off
    histexpand -> on
    typesetsilent -> off
    rmstarwait -> off
    histnofunctions -> off
    autoparamslash -> on
    trapsasync -> off
    sunkeyboardhack -> off
    promptsp -> on
    histsavenodups -> off
    autocd -> off
    allexport -> off
    posixidentifiers -> off
    cshjunkiehistory -> off
    autopushd -> off
    completeinword -> off
    completealiases -> off
    aliases -> on
    autocontinue -> off
    appendhistory -> on
    singlelinezle -> off
    hashlistall -> on
    ignoreclosebraces -> off
    recexact -> off
    localoptions -> off
    interactivecomments -> off
    errexit -> off
    cshjunkiequotes -> off
    markdirs -> off
    hashdirs -> on
    cdablevars -> off
    rcexpandparam -> off
    vi -> off
    printeightbit -> off
    multifuncdef -> on
    xtrace -> off
    login -> off
    cshjunkieloops -> off
    histappend -> on
    histignorespace -> off
    evallineno -> on
    shfileexpansion -> off
    rcs -> on
    functionargzero -> on
    errreturn -> off
    combiningchars -> off
    histignoredups -> on
    histfcntllock -> off
    beep -> on
    autoremoveslash -> on
    hup -> on
    globdots -> off
    autoparamkeys -> on
    shnullcmd -> off
    multibyte -> on
    zle -> on
    promptpercent -> on
    flowcontrol -> on
    continueonerror -> off
    incappendhistorytime -> off
    autoresume -> off
    globassign -> off
    caseglob -> on
    shortloops -> on
    bsdecho -> off
    cprecedences -> off
    log -> on
    transientrprompt -> off
    verbose -> off
    localpatterns -> off
    ignorebraces -> off
    pipefail -> off
    equals -> on
    menucomplete -> off
    cshnullglob -> off
    casematch -> on
    promptvars -> on
    histallowclobber -> off
    bareglobqual -> on
    shinstdin -> on
    restricted -> off
    pushdminus -> off
    nullglob -> off
    chasedots -> off
    mailwarning -> off
    listambiguous -> on
    cshnullcmd -> off
    bashrematch -> off
    octalzeroes -> off
    forcefloat -> off
    exec -> on
    multios -> on
    emacs -> off
    nomatch -> on
    pathscript -> off
    localtraps -> off
    stdin -> on
    onecmd -> off
    kshglob -> off
    clobber -> on
    posixbuiltins -> off
    alwayslastprompt -> on
    pushdtohome -> off
    histignorealldups -> off
    hashexecutablesonly -> off
    pushdsilent -> off
    shoptionletters -> off
    physical -> off
    sourcetrace -> off
    histlexwords -> off
    bgnice -> on
    globalrcs -> on
    posixstrings -> off
    checkjobs -> on
    shglob -> off
    singlecommand -> off
    listrowsfirst -> off

-- Mikael

On 8/22/17, Eitan Adler <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 22 August 2017 at 13:22, Mikael Puhakka <mr.progo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi zsh-workers,
>> Recently I noticed that my journal script has started to lose data. Then
>> I noticed that this is somehow in how zsh handles my little helper
>> function. This peculiarly affects one zsh session and not many others
>> that I can see.
> for key val in ${(kv)options}; do echo "$key -> $val"; done
> in each shell please
> --
> Eitan Adler

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