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[PATCH 2/2] _mkdir: Honour the 'command' and 'builtin' precommand modifiers.


This patch implements the "once a way is found out" comment that it removes.

It works correctly on linux:

% mkdir <TAB>
DEBUG: variant=gnu
% zmodload zsh/files
% mkdir <TAB>
DEBUG: variant=zsh

... but it would be good if someone could confirm that it still works on
$OSTYPE == (freebsd|dragonfly)* as well: the code special-cases those



 Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir | 25 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir
index b104d3d60..7e8ff121a 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir
@@ -9,22 +9,21 @@ args=(
   '(-)*: :->directories'
-_pick_variant -r variant gnu=gnu zsh='\(eval\)' $OSTYPE --help
 # It can still happen that there is a precommand command or builtin in the line.
 # In such cases, the variant has to be modified suitably, after further checking
 # the variant of the _command_ mkdir.
-# I currently don't know of any way to find out what precommands are present on
-# the line. The variant should be modified like this once a way is found out:
-# if [[ $variant == zsh ]]; then
-#   if [[ $precommand = *command* ]]; then
-#     _mkdir_command () { command mkdir "$@" }
-#     _pick_variant -c _mkdir_command -r variant gnu=gnu unix --help
-#   fi
-# elif [[ $precommand = *builtin* ]]; then
-#   variant=zsh
-# fi
+# $precommands is defined in _main_complete
+if (( ${+precommands[(r)command]} )); then
+  _mkdir_command () { command mkdir "$@" }
+  _pick_variant -c _mkdir_command -r variant gnu=gnu unix --help
+  unfunction _mkdir_command
+elif (( ${+precommands[(r)builtin]} )) || (( ${+builtins[mkdir]} )) || [[ "$(type -w mkdir)" == "*: builtin" ]]; then
+  variant=zsh
+  _pick_variant -r variant gnu=gnu zsh='\(eval\)' $OSTYPE --help
+# Now $variant is set.
 case $variant in

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