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Re: history-incremental-search-backward string argument regression

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Harm te Hennepe <dhtehennepe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was trying to let ^r prefill the incremental search minibuffer with the
> current buffer contents.
> I've created a widget calling this,  but the minibuffer stayed empty.

Hmm, this is working for me (zsh-5.4.2-114-g45f3169):

% setopt histnofunctions
% revsrch() { zle history-incremental-search-backward waggle }
% zle -N revsrch
% bindkey '^R' revsrch
failing bck-i-search: waggle_

> I manually type something into the minibuffer, it does the usual search,
> but when I then press ^r again to find the next result, I get an empty
> minibuffer again, instead of the next result.

There are a few reasons why repeating the binding might not repeat the
search when a user-defined widget is involved.  Perhaps post your

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