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Re: please consider using PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY (and PCRE_DOTALL) for rematchpcre

2018-01-23 06:57:35 +0000, Stephane Chazelas:
> It's more about single-line where the line delimiter happens to
> be included (and you want the $ to match on the end of that line
> as opposed to the end of the string).

I've been trying to imagine a use case that could be broken by
the change (of adding PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY).

One case could be with $mapfile[file] (which does expand to the
full content of the file) for text files with a single line, like

set -o rematchpcre
zmodload zsh/mapfile
[[ $mapfile[/etc/debian_version] =~ '/sid$' ]]

Which would have to be changed to:

[[ $mapfile[/etc/debian_version] =~ '/sid\n?$' ]]


[[ $mapfile[/etc/debian_version] =~ '/(?m)sid$' ]]

though personally, I'd rather do:

[[ $(</etc/debian_version) = */sid ]]


grep -q '/sid$' /etc/debian_version

Can anyone think of less far-fetched ones?


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