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Re: lexer issue

On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:05:38 +0200
Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Does anyone know what may be causing this:
>     echo $(( ((##h << 8) + ##e) << 8)+<SPACE>
>   → echo $(( ((##h << 8) +
> This is with space bound to magic-space.

This will be to do with the fact that you've closed one of the
parentheses of the arithmetic expression, but not the other, so the next
expansion has decided it's a command substitution.  In that, the ##e is
a comment, so gets stripped.  In fact, I'm not seeing the effect you
are, which may be down to options, or to the fact that the way we handle
interactive comments changed recently, or a combination.


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