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git remote set-url completion

Dear zsh-workers,

I was not happy with the completion of
git remote set-url <some remote> TAB

in my usage this should yield the same completions as `git clone TAB`
(a url like https://gitlab.my_project.tld or git@xxxxxxxxxx or some path to a local repository)

So I put the below patch together which uses __git_repositories (and _urls) instead of _urls.

I also saw there was a todo left in _git for doing
git remote set-url <some remote> <new url> <old url>
which used to just use _urls for the completion of old url,
here I get the output of `git remote get-url <some remote> --all`

Ideally I would like to also cover
git remote set-url --push <some remote> <new url> TAB
which should then complete the output of `git remote get-url <some remote> --push --all`

But atm I don't understand what the current completion does, because
git remote set-url --push <some remote> <new url> TAB
just suggests --add and --delete.

Find my patch below.

Thanks for consideration,

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_git b/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
index 21ba65724..e58340d8d 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
@@ -3600,10 +3600,7 @@ _git-remote () {
             ':repository:->repository' && ret=0
 	  case $state in
-            _alternative \
-              'local-repositories::__git_local_repositories' \
-              'remote-repositories::__git_remote_repositories' \
-	      'urls::_urls' && ret=0
+            __git_repositories_or_url && ret=0
@@ -3634,14 +3631,17 @@ _git-remote () {
             '*: :__git_branch_names' && ret=0
-          # TODO: Old URL should be one of those defined for the remote.
+          # TODO: Old URL does not get completed if --push, --add, or --delete are present
+          # TODO: assumes $line[1] is always the remote name
+          _message "the line is: $line"
           _arguments -S -s \
             '(3)--push[manipulate push URLs instead of fetch URLs]' \
             '--add[add URL to those already defined]' \
             '(3)--delete[delete all matching URLs]' \
             ': :__git_remotes' \
-            ':new url:_urls' \
-            ':old url:_urls' && ret=0
+            ':new url:__git_repositories_or_url' \
+            ':old url:__git_current_remote_url $line[1]' \
+                      && ret=0
           _arguments -S \
@@ -6949,6 +6949,21 @@ __git_local_repositories () {
   _wanted local-repositories expl 'local repositories' _directories
+(( $+functions[__git_repositories_or_url] )) ||
+__git_repositories_or_url () {
+  _alternative \
+    'repositories::__git_repositories' \
+    'url::_urls'
+(( $+functions[__git_current_remote_url] )) ||
+__git_current_remote_url () {
+    # TODO: is ${(@)*[1,4]} a proper replacement for $* and passing extra arguments?
+    # TODO: add --push to the `git remote get-url` command in case `git remote set-url --push origin <new url> <TAB>` is completed
+  _wanted remote-urls expl 'current urls' \
+      compadd ${(@)*[1,4]} - ${${(0)"$(_call_program remote-urls git remote get-url $5)"}%%$'\n'*}
 (( $+functions[__git_any_repositories] )) ||
 __git_any_repositories () {
   # TODO: should also be $GIT_DIR/remotes/origin

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