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[patch] Add mupdf completer

A person in IRC asked why mupdf didn't complete epub files, so just give
it a full completer. Thanks dana for extracting the *_extensions arrays
from the source.

- Matthew Martin

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_pdf b/Completion/Unix/Type/_pdf
index 5fda42a12..60cee84ee 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Type/_pdf
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Type/_pdf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#compdef pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfimages pdfinfo pdftopbm pdftops pdftotext pdfopt pdffonts kpdf apvlv epdfview mupdf
+#compdef pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfimages pdfinfo pdftopbm pdftops pdftotext pdfopt pdffonts kpdf apvlv epdfview
 local expl ext=''
diff --git a/Completion/X/Command/_mupdf b/Completion/X/Command/_mupdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a3c76459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/X/Command/_mupdf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#compdef mupdf
+local -a ext=(
+  cbt
+  cbz
+  tar
+  zip
+  epub
+  gproof
+  fb2
+  htm
+  html
+  xhtml
+  xml
+  bmp
+  gif
+  hdp
+  j2k
+  jfif
+  jfif-tbnl
+  jp2
+  jpe
+  jpeg
+  jpg
+  jpx
+  jxr
+  pam
+  pbm
+  pgm
+  png
+  pnm
+  ppm
+  tif
+  tiff
+  wdp
+  pdf
+  pclm
+  ai
+  svg
+  oxps
+  xps
+_arguments -S -s -A '-*' \
+  '-p+[use specified password]:password:' \
+  '-r+[specify initial zoom level]:resolution [72]:' \
+  '-A+[specify anti-aliasing quality]:bits [8]:({0..8})' \
+  '-C+[specify full-page tint:tint (RRGGBB) [FFFAF0]:' \
+  '-W+[specify page width]:width:' \
+  '-H+[specify page height]:height:' \
+  '-S+[specify font size]:font size:' \
+  '-U+[specify user style sheet]:CSS file:_files' \
+  ': :_files -g "*(#i).(${(j:|:)ext})(-.)"'

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