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Re: [BUG] parameter Module - functions_source associative array not working

On 27 Jun 2018, at 04:28, Francisco de Zuviría Allende <franciscodezuviria@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Sometime next year (when I am not overworked and overassigned) I would
>like to host some infrastructure for the zsh project (ticketing, C.I.,
>stuff like that), so I might as well start getting some insight on the
>dev process now. How does the patch you just submitted get integrated
>in the mainline? Did you also make a pull request?

I just merged it directly since nobody objected. zsh doesn't use PRs for most
changes, just the mailing list. (Oliver had set up a system where people could
submit GitHub/GitLab PRs for completion functions, but i'm not sure how often
it's used.)

I'm a very minor player in this project so my opinion doesn't mean much, but i
do think an issue tracker would be nice, if only as a place to catalogue known
bugs. It's just that most of the people who do the really *heavy* work on the
project prefer the ML. (See workers/37428, users/22326, workers/43054....)
Having a separate tracker going on the side seems like a possibility, but it
raises a lot of maintenance/logistics questions.

Does the ML just get subscribed the to the GH/GL project and linked that way, or
do the tracker maintainers need to act as manual go-betweens? Will the
ML-preferring people want to keep track of both a sequence number and an issue
number, or will again a tracker maintainer need to keep the two processes
synchronised manually? &c.

I don't know, but it would need thought put into it, and several key people
would need to be invested.


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