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Re: [PATCH] Completion: Don't prepend SIG to numeric signals in _signals

On Mon, 2 Jul 2018 10:52:38 -0500
dana <dana@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> * Ubuntu's zsh 5.4 is missing symbolic names for SIGSTKFLT and
> SIGPWR. If i build from source, they're there, and the scripts that
> generate the signals basically haven't changed in 20 years... so i'm
> not sure what's up with that. Maybe the system that Ubuntu used to
> build zsh had weird headers.

Signal generation changed between 5.5 and 5.5.1 to accommodate this
(42618, commit 66f0e5c1ac).  It seems that glibc 2.25 needs multiple
include files, which wasn't previously handled.  However, this wasn't
always showing up, so there are obviously other ingredients.


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