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Re: W02jobs.ztst hangs with zsh 5.6.1

> On 10 September 2018 at 11:39 İsmail Dönmez <ismail@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Running test: `jobs -r` and `jobs -s` with suspended job
> ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
> Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.13823/ztst.in, output:
> /tmp/zsh.ztst.13823/ztst.out, error: /tmp/zsh.ztst.13823/ztst.terr
> (*.in, *.terr is empty), so:
> havana ~ > cat /tmp/zsh.ztst.13823/ztst.out
> zsh:*(stopped|suspended)*sleep*
> -
> \[1]  + (stopped|suspended)*sleep*

Thanks --- the test is doing the following.

sleep 5
# Should print stopped / suspended message.
jobs -r
# Shouldn't print anything.
print -- -
# Should print "-" --- not really important here, it's
# just to sync up the output within the test system.
jobs -s
# Should show the job.
# The test doesn't bother with the following, it just exits, but
# to try it out by hand I suggest...
kill %1

Could you try this by hand to check?  I'd be very surprised if
it failed, as all the hairiness here is in the use of zpty in the
test system, which I've had a lot of trouble with when trying to
add new tests.  Again, I suspect pre-existing races rather than
the explicit effect of new changes.

In that case I think we'll just have to disable much of W02.


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