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Re: Zsh: [7] + 23074 suspended (tty output)


Peter Stephenson schrieb/wrote:

>> when emacs is wrapped inside function,
>> then emacs is dead when:
>> ^Z
>> bg
>> Does not happen when emacs called w/o function.
>> See minimal .zshrc attached.
>> % su -l heinb
>> Password:
>> tosh% emacs
>> zsh: suspended  emacs
>> tosh% bg
>> [1]  + continued  emacs
>> tosh%
>> [1]  + suspended (tty output)  emacs
> I'm not quite sure what you're doing here, 

Ok will write down as detailed as possible:

First i have an user with absolute no configuration apart from the .zshrc
given before. That is to make sure i test in as clean as possible environment.
For that i now moved the "setopt NO_globalrcs" from .zshrc to .zshenv to make
even cleaner.

commented lines are, well comments:

## I then login as that user:
% su -l heinb
## I start emacs and press ^z
tosh% emacs

zsh: suspended  emacs
## enter bg at prompt
tosh% bg
[1]  + continued  emacs
[1]  + suspended (tty output)  emacs
## verify backgrounded jobs
tosh% jobs -l
[1]  + 3179 suspended (tty output)  emacs
## foreground emacs again and normal quit aka ^x^c
tosh% fg %1
[1]  + continued  emacs

## now the same sequence with function:
tosh% which eclient
eclient () {
        =emacs "$@"

## I start eclient and press ^z
tosh% eclient
zsh: suspended  eclient
## enter bg at prompt
tosh% bg
[1]  + continued  eclient
## verify backgrounded jobs
tosh% jobs -l
[1]  - 3289 running    eclient
## foreground eclient again
tosh% fg %1
[1]  - running    eclient


After that emacs does not come back and terminal is not useable anymore,
prompt does not appear and ^c does not help to return.

If can help by testing or other informations just let me know.
In case of trace or so i will need detailed instructions what to do but
will happily help.

> This doesn't appear to be the problem Vincent was reporting, which I
> can't get to happen with that minimal eclient().

In this case sorry Vicent for the complaint. Actually by trying to figuring out
an easy way to reproduce your issue we potential found an other one.
I am confidant that is half way to fix that, too. Which is good IMHO.

kind regards,


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