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Suggestion: forward-delete-word

There are many widgets that go backwards and erase some amount of text:
backward-delete-char, backward-delete-word, backward-kill-line, and
backward-kill-word. But, there are no such widgets going forward. The
forward direction only has movement by char or word but no erasure.
That could be inconvenient as that's a whole direction of text that has no
efficient solution for getting rid of text.

Now, ideally I would find where such widgets are defined in the code and
add them in myself, but I do not have enough C or zsh knowledge to do that
and I'm heading to a convention tomorrow. I would not have access to a
computer for at least three days. That's why I'm suggesting it here (in
hopes it gets picked up).

Good luck and thank you for your time,
Noam Barnea.

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