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Extend `zed' with status bar, is it possible?

I'm looking at vared and it seems that there is no way to
replace/append-to vared's last line (last POSTDISPLAY line?) with some
custom contents, basically a status bar. Does someone know a way?

Using zed to add debug-print lines / fine-tune modifications is a nice
use-case, if done with syntax highlighting that includes
brackets-highlighting. There is a group of developers that edit
in-session (not hash-bang) scripts and could benefit from this – theme
(prompt) creators. As established earlier, this would be for say
`zedex', an extended version of zed (unsure if  it will succeed to
include in upstream).

Sebastian Gniazdowski
News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
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Blog: http://zdharma.org

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