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Re: { exit } always { foo }

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 7:57 PM Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Which is correct, the manual or the test?

I think both are, although the wording in the doc might be clearer.
This is the important bit (my capitals):

>     An tt(exit) command (or a tt(return) command executed AT THE OUTERMOST
>     function LEVEL of a script) encountered in tt(try-list) does em(not) cause
>     the execution of var(always-list).  Instead, the shell exits immediately
>     after any tt(EXIT) trap has been executed.

The word "function" there is unfortunate because it doesn't mean a
shell function.

In this line:
>   725     mytest() { { exit 3 } always { mywrap }; print Exited before this }

The always block is NOT at the outermost level, so the shell does not
exit immediately.  "Outermost" means that there IS NO surrounding
function scope.  Thus in the following case:

  mywrap() { echo BEGIN; true; echo END }
  { exit 3 } always { mywrap }; print Exited before this

The always block is not executed and mywrap isn't called.  As soon as
you put the "always" inside the "mytest" scope, that rule no longer

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